
Our Candidates: General Election 4 July 2024

David Farbey

Parliamentary Candidate for Chipping Barnet

I grew up in nearby New Southgate and have lived in Whetstone in the Chipping Barnet constituency for over 20 years, so I know the area very well. I have been involved in various local campaigns and active in communal and voluntary organisations, including as a school governor. I currently volunteer with the Felix Project, a food redistribution charity, and I am a member of New North London Synagogue in Finchley.

I have been active in the Green Party at the local and regional level for over 8 years. As volunteer regional Treasurer of the London Green Party as well as in my professional career, I have experience of financial matters and understand the vital importance of good management and transparent governance – qualities that seem sadly lacking in the current government.

Every day we see on the news how devastating climate change is already and look on in despair as the major parties offer only superficial responses. In contrast, the Green Party knows that we need urgent, significant action from government right now. We need to end our reliance on fossil fuels by investing in renewables, which are now the cheapest source of energy. We need a major programme of home insulation, which would create jobs as well as cutting bills.

The Green Party also stands for improving our democracy by making sure every vote counts and every voice is heard because we believe you cannot achieve climate justice without achieving social justice as well. We need to make sure the richest individuals and the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share of tax, and we need to do these things at an international as well as a national scale.

Having more Green MPs in Parliament will hold government to account on these vital issues and help bring about the urgent changes we need. Please use your vote to vote for the Green Party.

Steve Parsons

Parliamentary Candidate for Finchley and Golders Green

I have lived in Finchley and Golders Green for 21 years. My three children were raised here and I feel extremely fortunate that they have grown up in a wonderfully diverse area with so many dynamic and socially responsible communities around.

Aside from my TV day job, I am a volunteer for a foodbank and am a primary school reading assistant in the local area. I would have been happy to make a contribution locally behind the scenes, but became inspired to be more politically active as a member of the Green Party because of the impending crises that face us all. Inaction is no longer an option. We urgently need a change in the political landscape.

The Greens were the first party to fully understand the need to confront the climate challenges that lie ahead. We cannot afford to shy away from them. We appreciate the need to work positively, resetting the negativity projected by the main political parties. We have to work together constructively across the political spectrum to enact lasting, enlightened change, bringing the corporations and the public with us.

But the Green Party is not simply a single issue grouping. We want to help establish a more equal, fairly taxed society. We want a fairly elected parliament that works toward consensus, not constant confrontation, a chamber that serves communities before corporations. We want to fully utilise the talent and expertise that exists in this country to ensure that coming generations enjoy lifestyles that more than match our own, while living within this planet’s means.

I am certain that of all the political parties standing at the next election, the Green Party is the only one which fully appreciates what we need to do to make our society fairer, healthier and safer for everyone. We have been making fantastic progress winning seats in council elections across the country. I hope that you will help us do the same in the Parliament, so we can continue holding central government accountable to all of us.

Gabrielle Bailey

Parliamentary Candidate for Hendon

I currently work as a senior fundraiser for an environmental regeneration and community development charity serving deprived communities across the South of England.

Working in the charity sector for ten years has shown me just how precarious daily life is for the most disadvantaged people in our society. Successive government cuts and callous Tory policies have put more and more pressure on charities and ordinary people to step in to solve problems that are the government’s responsibility – creating a ‘race to the bottom’ where profit and corporate interests are valued over people.

I have been a Green Party member for almost 10 years and have held a variety of roles, most recently National Press Officer for the Young Greens. I believe we cannot have climate justice without social justice. The government’s lack of action on the climate crisis makes me deeply concerned, particularly given the impacts already being felt by communities in my constituency, across the UK and worldwide.

I am standing as an MP candidate to advocate for policies which protect people and the planet,  and to democratically empower communities to bring about positive social change. My particular areas of interest include ensuring that any housing development being undertaken in this part of the Borough is done with the views and needs of residents truly heard- as well as offering fully affordable housing options; protecting and promoting the myriad of wonderful small businesses that make up our high streets in the Borough; improving people’s quality of life and building community resilience (particularly through tackling food poverty in the Borough); enhancing local green spaces and access to communal facilities; and celebrating the unique diversity of our Borough, promoting inclusion and working together to create more connected communities.

I believe the Green Party is the only party able to bring about the radical shift in our ‘business as usual’ politics and to deliver a fairer, more just, healthier, happier and  more hopeful future for our society. I want to see more ‘everyday’ people like myself representing the voice of local residents and getting involved in politics that is truly ‘for the people’.

As MP, I will draw upon my diverse life experiences, including living with chronic illness, surviving domestic abuse, being part of the LGBTQIA and neurodivergent communities, to better advocate for my constituents. I will use my position to call for better representation, to demand increased standards of living for our society, as well as to push the government to take urgent action on the climate crisis.

Fabio Vollono

Parliamentary Candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet

I have lived in the Borough of Barnet since 1968 and attended a school in Friern Barnet, so I know the area very well. After the disastrous Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, I became more environmentally aware. I joined Greenpeace and started voting for the Green Party.

More recently, on May Day 2019, I protested in Parliament Square for the UK Parliament to declare a climate emergency. Since then the government has eroded our right to protest peacefully. Fourteen years of awful mismanagement of our environment and our society has spurred me to become more active locally.

Since joining the Barnet Green Party, I have kept our social media active, leafleted for campaigns and stood as a candidate councillor in my ward during the 2022 local elections. I am standing as Green MP candidate for Hornsey and Friern Barnet because I am passionate about democracy and giving voters the choice to vote for a greener environment and, most importantly, the existential climate crisis that we all face. I want Hornsey, Friern Barnet and this country to have environmentally friendly, well-funded, locally controlled, public services and I will advocate nationally for policies that prioritise renewable energy and community involvement in green issues.

As a British born European with Italian and French heritage I want us to rejoin the EU after the disaster of Brexit, which, right now, only the Green Party advocates for. The EU has stronger environmental policies on clean waterways and air, on reduction in soil pollution and pesticides that kill our wildlife, especially invertebrates, all of which the UK government blatantly ignores.

We need to apply progressive taxes for the super rich and corporations as well as close tax loopholes. Fairer taxation will improve all aspects of society and would fund the Green energy revolution we all desperately need.

I am ready to serve and work for you as your Green Party MP, should you choose to elect me. I will advocate for renewable energy, equitable healthcare, fairer taxes and community involvement in green issues. Together we can build a future that respects our planet and cares for all members of society.

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